Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind

Hosted BySteve Webb

Read through the Bible in one year with the OG Godcaster, Steve Webb. This is a rewind series of the award winning daily podcast in which Steve reads a section of the Bible and then shares thoughts on the day's reading.

S1E200: Ezekiel 31-36: Then You Will Know

Podcast Introduction

Our reading today is Ezekiel 31-36.  Afterwards, I’ll have some thoughts to share with you. I’m calling today’s episode “Then You Will Know.”

Comments on Ezekiel 31-36

Have you noticed a recurring phrase here in Ezekiel? If you haven’t, you haven’t been listening. Sure, it’s God saying, “Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

One of the time tested, successful teaching methods is repetition, right? The more often you hear information, the more likely it is that you will remember it. The more often you repeat a skill, the better you will get at performing that skill. 

“Then they will know that I am the Lord.” Or sometimes God says, “Then you will know that I am the Lord.”

Time and time again God says this. Why? Why does He put so much emphasis on this? Why does He need to have us know that He is God? Is it an ego thing? Does He need to be the most popular guy in the universe? Is he going for the most “Likes”?

Let’s think for a moment about what we know about His plan. We know that before anything was created, I AM. (Not me, but God.) And I did not misspeak. Not God WAS. God is outside of time. He is always past, present and future. That’s why when Jesus talked of Himself, He said, “I AM.”

So before anything was created, God exists. Because He is the God of creation, He created the universe and all that is in it. And He created mankind. Why did He do that? Because God is also Love. God wanted to love His creation and be loved by HIs creation. And because love involves choice, or free will, mankind was given the ability to choose to love or reject God. 

God is Holy and perfect. By definition, He is without sin. Sin causes a separation from God. Mankind chose to sin, so God’s desire to have a loving relationship with man necessitated a way for the sin problem to be dealt with.

Another of God’s characteristics is Justice. He is a just God. He could not ignore the sin. There had to be a way for the sin to be acknowledged by and answered for, or made reparation for, or punished.

“Steve,” you say, “if God is love, why couldn’t He just ignore the sin? Why couldn’t He just forgive without demanding punishment?” There are at least two reasons. The first reason is because of the Justice part of God that we have already mentioned. The second is that ignoring sin is not love. 

If, as a father, I told my toddler to stay out of the street, knowing that a car might come along and run him over, and then saw him wander into the street, willingly ignoring me, would it be love for me to ignore his disobedience? Of course not.

So God made a way for mankind’s sin to be dealt with. The ultimate act of love was for God’s only Son to take the sin of the world on Himself, and He paid the price for my sin and yours. He was put to the most cruel death that mankind has yet devised. 

And then, on the third day, He was raised from death to life. Why? “So that they would know that I am the Lord.”

Over and over again, throughout the centuries, God’s message is, “I am the Lord”. Why? So that we will know who He is and what He has done in order to bring us into a loving relationship with Him.

Have you accepted God’s gift of forgiveness? Do you know without a shadow of a doubt that you will spend eternity in Heaven? Hoping that your good deeds will outweigh your bad deeds is not the answer. You can’t earn your way to Heaven. One sin disqualifies you. The wages of sin is death. But Jesus died so you don’t have to. He offers forgiveness for all you sins, but you have to accept that gift. A gift does no good unless you accept it. You can look at the pretty box, but unless you accept it, open it and possess it, it isn’t really yours, is it? That’s what you  have to do with the forgiveness Jesus offers you. How do you do it? A simple prayer is all it takes. If you believe what Jesus said of Himself, if you believe that He died for your sins, if you believe that He is the Son of God and lived a sinless life, that He died on the cross and was raised again on the third day, and you want Him to be your Lord and Savior, you just have to ask Him in.

If you haven’t done that, now is a great time to do it. There’s no time like the present, because tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. Pray this prayer with me. Begin your relationship with Him now. You can pray out loud, or in the quietness of your heart.

Jesus, I want to follow you. I know that I am a sinner. I’m sorry. I turn from my sins now, and I ask you to forgive me. I know that you died in my place, and that you rose from death on the third day. Lord, come into my life now, and be my Lord and my Savior. Make me the person you want me to be. I give you my life now. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer and meant it, then congratulations, you are now a child of God. Christianity is not about a religion, it’s about a relationship. And your newest, best relationship has now begun. And there is rejoicing in Heaven right now because of your decision.

I want to help you get a great start with God. I would like to send you a copy of the New Believer’s Bible at no charge. It’s the New Living Translation, which I like very much, and it’s full of hundreds of notes written by Greg Laurie of Harvest Ministries. If you prayed that prayer, send me an email at st***@li*************.com, and I’ll send it right out to you. I just need your name and address. I won’t share your info with anybody, and I won’t put you on a mailing list. I just want you to have this Bible so you can get started on the right foot. And again, there is no charge. 

S12E198Art3000-explosion of stars
Design: Steve Webb | Photo: Billy Huynh on Unsplash

Today’s Bible Translation

Bible translation used in today’s episode: Ch. 31-32 NIRV; Ch. 33-36 GNT


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The Team

Transcript Correction: Lifespring Family Berean, Sister Denise
Podcasting 2.0 Chapters: Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Sean of San Pedro and Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Michael Haner
Show Art: Lifespring Family Berean, Brother Scott Snider and Lifespring Family Berean Jason Paschall
Newsletter Publisher: Lifespring Family Berean, Sister Brittaney

Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind
Lifespring! One Year Bible Rewind
Steve Webb

Read through the Bible in one year with the OG Godcaster, Steve Webb. This is a rewind series of the award winning daily podcast in which Steve reads a section of the Bible and then shares thoughts on the day's reading.

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